
YMYL | What Does Your Money Or Your Life Actually Mean?

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While ‘your money or your life’ might sound like a threat, the phrase actually means something quite different. A YMYL search is usually something that might affect the searcher’s health, finances or safety. This is why YMYL content is really important to get right – the consequences, if negative, could be significant.

That’s why Google’s content guidelines are so strict when it comes to YMYL content. They refuse to take risks by endorsing medical advice that doesn’t come from accredited sources. They also insist on websites that provide accurate, legitimate and helpful content. Google are quick to penalise those that don’t follow these standards.

But how does the algorithm judge YMYL content?


E-E-A-T stands for Experience, Expertise, Authority and Trust. This is what Google crawlers are judging when indexing websites. By ensuring that YMYL content follows these guidelines, Google can be more confident that content is written by the right people, for the right reasons.

Original Content Ideas

The last thing anyone wants is for people to access dangerous content online. If you’re reading medical advice that could result in injury, that makes Google look bad and could result in serious consequences. That then could mean that the content writer, or even Google, could be at risk of legal action.

How Do You Create Good YMYL Content?

It sounds a little preachy, but the best way is to follow the rules!

Experience – Can you write from experience on the topic? Perhaps you’re reviewing a new car that you’ve bought. Or maybe you’re going to teach your readers how to stretch safely before a workout. If you can write from an honest, personal experience, this will work in your favour.

Expertise – Are you an expert on the topic? If you’re writing about something medical, for example, and you’re not a doctor, you may want to ask a real doctor for a quote or a contribution.

Authority – If you do need to ask an expert to contribute to your content, you should also provide a link to them. This will build credibility and is excellent for the trustworthiness of your site. Just make sure that the links you use are to high-quality websites.

Trust – Build a good relationship with search engines by consistently providing factual, helpful content that won’t harm your users. Always write with good intentions and ensure that you abide by Google’s guidelines.

Why Is My YMYL Content Not Ranking?

Would you trust someone to give you good advice when you’ve just met and know nothing about them? Probably not! Google is the same. You need to be consistent and – most of all – patient. If your content meets the right standards and doesn’t have too much competition, it will be much more likely to rank over time.

How Do I Get My Content To Rank Quickly?

One way to influence your website’s trust with google is through high quality backlinks. This it because it sends signals to Google that the sites it already trusts, trust you too.

Similarly, working with trusted experts will also help. If they’re well-known in their field and easily verified as reputable, mentioning them and linking to their website will help build your trust with Google.

Written by Alice Farley


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