
What’s New In Digital Marketing – 5 Trends (Updated For 2023)

2022 marketing

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2023's Digital Marketing Trends Update

So much has changed since 2022 already, so we thought it would be wise to give this article a quick update. As predicted, the economic climate changed dramatically after the pandemic. The cost of living crisis developed throughout 2022 and continues to effect shopping habits in 2023.

Digital Marketing Trends We Discovered In 2022

While many were relieved to see the end of 2021 and a return to normalcy on the horizon, there is still a long way to go. The full economic effects of the pandemic are still likely to play out over decades and in diverse ways. This will have repercussions for digital marketing, with the pandemic-induced lockdowns affecting online behaviours and igniting all new trends. These trends include voice search, the accelerated expansion of eCommerce and the expanding metaverse for digital connection.

Marketing departments throughout the UK geared up for a prosperous 2022. With this in mind, here are 5 digital marketing trends that your team should incorporate:

Mobile First Marketing

Businesses must generate mobile-friendly content that will rank better in search engines as more consumers use smartphones and tablets to browse products and services on the web rather than desktop computers. One simple technique is to optimise your website’s design so that it adapts to smaller displays automatically. Content loads faster on smartphones and tablets thanks to AMP (accelerated mobile pages).

The Increase of AI

Improvements in artificial intelligence are already being used in marketing by companies in fields such as retail, banking and healthcare. While AI is most commonly used in marketing automation to automate basic tasks like reporting on website traffic and recommending keywords that can improve a company’s organic search results, marketers are also looking into AI applications that can predict what customers will buy in the future based on their previous purchases and browsing history.

Virtual Assistants​

Along with AI, the virtual assistant is becoming increasingly popular. It’s predicted that voice commerce transactions will hit $164billion by 2025. Therefore, optimising products and services for voice search will be in everyone’s best interests.

A virtual assistant is already being used by many businesses to automate customer care demands through apps, efficiently addressing consumer enquiries on social media channels, email marketing and other online platforms.

AI digital marketing seo on mobile

Visual Search

Visual search is a new practice in which users can search by uploading an image. Visual search is being used by Google in a way that will effect future digital marketing strategies

Google Lens

Every day, text query search loses ground. It’s being phased out in favour of voice and visual searches. If you want to stay on top, you must put forth some effort. Also, it’s a really effective approach to generate high-quality leads. Google Lens is a visual search engine developed by Google that uses a camera app to recognise items and landmarks. When you take a photo of the following items, you can do the following:
google search

It is also crucial for local SEO. Google Lens can recognise cafés, clubs and restaurants and display a pop-up with information such as opening hours, reviews and more.

Social Media Stories

Snapchat was the first startup to pioneer the ‘stories’ concept. Then came Instagram and Facebook. Then came YouTube, LinkedIn and Twitter, each with their own take on the story format – albeit with somewhat different titles. Stories are posts that are only visible for 24 hours. Despite (or perhaps because of) their simplicity, stories allow marketers to share real content and engage with their audiences on a human level. They can be used in several ways:

social media

Digital Marketing In 2022 (And Beyond!)

In today’s increasingly linked world, your marketing strategy must be equally integrated. Search4Local design unique solutions for your company by combining marketing tools and technology in new ways while focusing on the end-user experience.

Contact us for more information on our variety of digital marketing strategies.


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