
Bespoke Custom Built Websites and Best Practice

Cardiff Web Design Agency

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The very fabric of website design continues to evolve in accordance to what users expect, and how search engine algorithms apply ranking factors. At Search4Local, we go to tremendous lengths to ensure our websites over deliver to our customers and encompass best practise SEO guidelines and techniques. Ultimately our aim is provide ultra-fast, user friendly websites built to outperform your competitors.

In this article we’ll look at how website design has changed over the years, online shops also known as Ecommerce sites and give answers to some of the most commonly asked questions. But first, a little bit about ourselves.

Search4Local are a web design company in Exeter, Devon. We offer professional bespoke website design, as well as Ecommerce websites, for businesses throughout the South West. Our company started back in the summer of 2015, and has since grown at a tremendous rate to become a leading name in website design.

Why Is Website Design So Important?

When a user initially visits your website, they make their first impression on your business and services. A striking, original and easy to navigate design increases the chances of converting them into a customer or client. Users expect modern websites to be fast, have attractive relevant images and use subtle calls to action to help them decide which parts of your website they want to visit.

Modern internet users are far from ignorant to online safety. Users check hosting security and are put off by websites that do not protect their personal information. Accurate and legible information on privacy and cookie policies is important too.

With everything considered, modern users want a website that is easy to use, looks good and reassures them their connection is protected whilst on the site. Website design is not just delivering and displaying relevant information. It’s about presenting your brand and business in a way that appeals to and retains a user’s interest.

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How To Make a Clean Website Design?

Clean web design is exactly the same as having a clean home. Everything in its right place with clear space to move between rooms. Clean website design takes inspiration from minimalism. Another way of describing clean website design would be the use of negative space.

Negative space is also known as white space, and refers to often large areas around each individual element. The white space, which can be any colour, gradient or pattern  you wish to be in accordance with brand, deliberately avoids displaying information.

Clean website design uses negative space to create eye-catching websites, which is an integral part of modern design. Clean web design helps users take in the information, allows web designers to use attractive and relevant information and ensure websites respond well on mobile and tablet devices.

Mobile Friendly Websites

As of 2020, mobile and tablet devices are responsible for 53% of all web traffic and site visits. This means we are now well and truly in the mobile first generation. On the other side of the coin, technology used in these types of devices has changed how users search, but that’s more of an SEO discipline.

At Search4Local, our web designers work in partnership with our SEO technicians. Ensuring best practise web design encompasses the latest SEO requirements.

The average consumer updates their smartphone or tablet every two years. Each new generation of smartphone or tablet is different from the last in it’s built in technology, but more importantly the  screen size changes.

The most important factor when building websites is ensuring the design is responsive and easy to use on all device sizes. Mobile friendly websites and user experience is very important. 

What Makes a Good Website Design?

Good website design is clean, easy to navigate and on brand. Websites need high quality images, relevant copy and give clear direction to the user. Alarmingly, more than half of all web traffic will leave a site if it doesn’t load within three seconds!

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Do All Websites Need SEO?

Yes and no, it depends on the intention and reason for your website. If you want to promote your services online, expand your audience and increase your sales, SEO will help achieve this.

SEO Laptop

What Is An Ecommerce Website?

An e-commerce website, or electronic commerce, is a platform that allows you buy and sell good online. These websites have to be very secure and safe due to data and money they transfer.

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How Do I Do SEO For My Website?

Much like website design, SEO has evolved over time to become an increasingly technical discipline which looks at how users behave and pair that to the latest ranking factors. The techniques and practices that might have worked years ago may very well now be harmful and detrimental, and work against ranking your website.

What we can say with confidence is that content is king. Relevant and unique copy that informs and does not mislead users is crucial.  We have mentioned this before in relation to hosting, trust plays a part in modern SEO. Algorithms and users pay close attention to reviews and recommendations. So the more positive feedback your company receives online the better.

Search4Local offers exceptionally competitive prices for our monthly SEO packages. We are experts in the field of digital advertising, website design and search engine optimisation.

Search4Local: Leading Website Design For Your Business

If you are considering investing in a new website, looking to take your business to the next level of would simply like further details on our services please get in touch. Please call 01392 409159, email customerservice@search4local.co.uk, or use our contact form.


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